Friday, 19 August 2011

Flighty Whispers With Feathers

Something won't work with the embedding - it has changed and won't be replaced with a new here is THE LINK TO VIMEO

“At a recent work shop on sound symbolism in Atlanta, Georgia, he reported that "wh" words associated with words that describe the production of noises such as "whisper", "whine" or "whirr", and those beginning with "fl" that tend to signal movement in the air, such as "fly" or "flail", also enjoyed this fast track in the brain's processing. Bergen concludes that these may all be forms of sound symbolism.” Robson, D. (2011, July 16). Kiki or bouba? In search of language's missing link . New Scientist , 30-33 visitors were asked for their favourite "fl" words.

  flighty wordsFlighty whispers with feathers


  1. this artistic action ... vygotsky ... creating shared meanings ... symbolic mediation ... something new made between the artist and her viewer

  2. flo flight flow flourish

  3. I must list the given words...they ended with floored on the floor
